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Things candidates should keep in mind before the UTME 2024

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The 2024 JAMB UTME examination already began on Friday, 19th April.

We have provided you with almost all the resources for you to prepare adequately for the 2024 UTME. While you are preparing earnestly for the exam, there are a few things we think you also need to keep in mind as your exam approaches.

JAMB CBT Question Format

You will be given two hours to answer 180 questions; 60 for English, and 40 for each of the other subjects. Speed and accuracy matter a lot. If you have been using the JAMB CBT Mobile App (for Android mobile phones), JAMB CBT Software (for Desktops and Laptops), or Osilight Past Question Papers, the examination should be simple enough.

Important Keys to Remember

If you are using the keyboard, here are the most important keys;

N – To move to the next question
P – To go back to the previous question
A – To select option A on a question
B – To select option B on a question
C – To select option C on a question
D – To select option D on a question
S – To submit your exam (Be Careful)
R – To cancel Submit (and RETURN)
Y – To confirm Submit, YES

The above will be stated before you start the exam, so you should read the instructions properly before starting.

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However, you should note that there are actions you may not be able to perform using the keyboard. In this case, you must use your Mouse (or track-pad). These are;

If you need to switch from one subject to another. That is if you want to answer a particular subject before going to another.
If you need to use the on-screen calculator at the top right corner of your screen.
The on-screen calculator will be available on the screen for candidates who will be taking subjects that involve calculations.

Randomized Questions

It is also important that candidates note that the questions generated for candidates are jumbled in such a way that they appear differently for each candidate.

For instance, your number 1 question may likely be different from that of your neighbour. That simply means if you choose “A” as your answer just because your neighbour says the answer is “A”, you may have only succeeded in shooting yourself in the foot as two of you may be answering different questions.

On the day of the exam; ensure you do the following;

Wake up on Time

Set as many alarms as possible to ensure you wake up on time. You can get a sibling, parent or any family member to wake you up too if you’re still worried about oversleeping.

Get There Early

We hope you’re familiar with the location of your exam centre by now, as we had earlier advised. If not, be sure to locate your centre today, before your exam. Get to your examination centre on time. Do all you can to be at your venue 30 minutes before your exam.

Don’t Drink Too Much Water

Don’t drink too much water, just a little will be fine. Don’t worry about Dehydration, it is not going to be a problem during the exam, but drinking too much water and needing to go to the toilet every five minutes is.

Avoid going to the exam with any of the JAMB prohibited Items

We earlier published a list of items you should not take to the exam hall. Please check the list on this link: JAMB List of Prohibited Items For UTME Candidates During The Exam

When you get to the exam centre

  • Ensure that your Biometric Verification is done. This is very important. If it is not done, you should ask for it.
  • When in the exam room, sit comfortably and spread out. It’s proven that when we physically make ourselves larger, by spreading our arms or leaning back on the chair, this releases a type of hormone which makes us more confident.
  • Read and follow instructions carefully.
  • Start with a subject you’re strong in. Don’t waste time on difficult questions, move to the next.
  • Answer all questions.

We from Osilight wish you All the Best! You’ll do great.


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